What Are the Causes of Spider Veins on an Ankle?
Prolonged Standing
According to DukeHealth.org, one cause of spider veins, or telangectasias, is prolonged standing. Weakening of the superficial veins in the ankles causes blood to pool, or back up. Over a period of time that blood leaks out of the veins and presents itself with the patterns that resemble spider webs. Veins in the ankles have a long way to pump blood to the heart. Standing for a long period of time places pressure on the veins that eventually causes problems. Avoid this problem by taking breaks and moving around. Lack of movement is the real cause.
Womenshealth.gov lists family history as one cause of spider veins. If you have family members with vein problems, you are likely to have the same problems. The genetic factor involves weak valves in veins. If your valves were weak at the time of your birth, the wear and tear of aging will have an impact. Most spider veins appear as you age, with women more prone than men to develop them. According to DukeHealth.org, some estimates state that 50 percent of adult females have spider veins.
Weight Gain
Whether you call it overweight or obesity, those excess pounds put undue pressure on the veins to pump the blood back to the heart. Any extra strain can impact the valves, causing failure that leads to spider veins. Weight gain can be the result of or lead to an inactive lifestyle, which makes the problem worse. Exercise to keep your veins healthy and stave off the effects of aging and genetics. In most cases, spider veins are a cosmetic and not a medical problem but on occasion, they will be painful.
Sitting with Legs Crossed
Another instance where lack of movement can lead to spider veins in the ankles is the practice of sitting with your legs crossed. The problem is similar to prolonged standing. Avoid this problem by not crossing your legs, or if you must do so, only for a short period of time.