How to Remove an Armpit Mole
Make an appointment with your doctor so he can look at the mole and refer you to a dermatologist to have it removed if needed or desired. Your doctor will also be able to examine any other moles you have worries about.
Allow the dermatologist to thoroughly clean the armpit area where the mole is located. He will apply a local anesthetic to numb the area.
Relax as the dermatologist uses a scalpel to cut out the mole and some of the skin around it. Expect to get deep stitches if the excision is deep within the skin and stitches on the upper-skin surface if the depth of the excision was minimal. If the mole is removed by shaving it off the skin with a scalpel, there won't be any stitches. The dermatologist will cauterize the area using an electrical instrument and apply a topical antibiotic to reduce infection risks.
Give yourself at least one hour to undergo the mole-removal procedure and have your dermatologist submit the mole for a biopsy to determine whether its benign or not.
Expect some redness and scab-forming in the two weeks after the procedure. Scars that may form will fade over time and can be treated with topical scar treatments.