How to Reduce Body Oil
Reducing body oil is the first step in minimizing acne. There are different methods to reducing body oil, but not all methods work for everyone. As a result, if you want to reduce the amount of oil your body produces, try different methods and find one that works for you. Changing your diet is one method of reducing body oil. Hygienic practices are another. Exposing your body to different natural elements is a third possibility.Things You'll Need
- Cholesterol- and fat-free food
- Non-alcohol, non-fragrance cleanser
- Sun and water
Eat foods that are low in cholesterol and fats. Even fatty vegetables like avocados have oils that your body must expel. Saturated fats from animal products such as beef, chicken and eggs are the most difficult for your body to expel. Solutions include lean beef, fat-free chicken and egg whites. Cooking oils also are major culprits. Try cooking your food in water. Boil your beef and chicken, and poach your egg whites. If you want to get away from saturated fats altogether, try a raw food vegetarian or vegan diet.
Use simple, fragrance free, non-alcohol cleansers to wash your body. If your body is allergic to fragrances, it will produce oil to combat the irritation. While alcohol dries your skin, your body will secret oil through your pores to alleviate the dryness. Try bathing in warm water using no solution at all.
Spend time in the sun and in the water. Be careful about the amount of sun you take in, as you will be exposed without protection. Sunscreen is not recommended for people who have oily skin or acne problems. The sun, however, is good for your skin and will reduce the amount of oil and acne affecting it. Spend time in fresh and salt water as well. Water removes oil from the surface of the skin and cleanses it.