How to Get Rid of Acne on My Nose
Things You'll Need
- Acne cleanser
- Acne cream
- Soap
- Washcloth or exfoliating pad
- Tea tree oil
- Toothpaste
Wash your face once or twice a day. You can use a special acne cleanser, or water with a mild unscented soap. Don't scrub; use either a clean washcloth or an exfoliating pad. Ensure that you are not washing your face excessively, or you will strip your skin of its own natural oils.
Apply a cream or ointment that contains benzyl peroxide, or salicylic acid directly to the pimple. You can purchase these products at any drugstore. Be careful not to overuse these creams, as they can dry out your skin. One or two applications a day should be adequate.
Apply tea tree oil to your nose. Tree tea oil will fight bacteria, attacking the root cause of your acne. At the same time, the oil is gentle and soothing to your skin.
Place a dab of toothpaste directly onto the pimple before bed. The toothpaste causes the swelling to go down, so that the pimple can be concealed with makeup.