How to Get Rid of a Cold Sore Today
Things You'll Need
- Topical ointment
- Oral medication
- Ice or heat pack
- Pain reliever
See your doctor to determine the cause of your sores. Many people confuse canker sores --- which basically are ulcers --- with cold sores, so it is important to diagnose your specific ailment. Tell your doctor about the sores' triggers, frequency and duration. Ask for treatment recommendations.
Apply ointment to the affected area as directed by the manufacturer. The cream will soothe the pain and discomfort of the sore and expedite healing. It will also help soften the yellow crust that often accompanies cold sores.
Take an oral antiviral medication as directed. Your doctor can prescribe medication to quickly treat the sores. Many medications need to be taken before an outbreak for maximum effectiveness, so learn your triggers to anticipate cold sore occurrences.
Apply a heat or ice pack to the sore, both of which can soothe your discomfort. Hold the pack on the affected area for up to 10 minutes several times a day.