How to Treat Your House for Head Lice

Head lice are tiny, wingless parasitic insects that live on human hairs. They feed on blood supplied from the scalp, and cannot survive without a human host. Basic house cleaning will rid your house of any lice that may have fallen from the hair. However, you must first rid the hair of all lice and nits. If left untreated, lice can spread quickly from person to person, especially in group settings such as, schools, childcare centers, and camps.


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      Wash all bed sheets, pillows cases, blankets, hats, scarves and clothing in very hot water. Dry using the highest temperature setting on your dryer. Dry clean any items that have come in contact with the infestation, that are not machine washable.

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      Seal large items, such as pillows and stuffed animals, in a plastic bag for two weeks. This will kill any lice that may be on them.

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      Vacuum all carpets and upholstered furniture. Also vacuum the car and car seat that a child with lice may have used.

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      Use extremely hot water and a medicated shampoo to wash all hairbrushes, combs, hair bows, hair ties and accessories.Throw away any hair items that are not washable.

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