How to Know If You've Got a Dry Scalp & Not Nits
Things You'll Need
- Small-toothed comb
- Hair clips
- Bright light
- Small magnifying glass
Seat the symptomatic person in a comfortable position on a stool or a chair without arms so you can maneuver easily to examine the scalp completely. Shine a bright light onto the person's head.
Tilt the person's chin down to expose the nape of the neck where lice, lice nits and scalp flakes are found most frequently. Part the hair horizontally 1/2 inch above the neck. Clip the top portion of hair to keep it out of the way.
Comb the unclipped hair down smoothly and examine for whitish flakes. Scalp flakes move easily or can be flicked off with a fingernail. Nits stay stuck to the hair shaft unless aggressively pinched and pulled off.
Examine the hairline around the ears for signs of nits or flaky scalp. Continue examining the neck area by unclipping the next 1/2-inch section of hair above the initial section and combing it smooth. Repeat the examination procedure at the hairline around the ears, moving upward in 1/2-inch sections.
Examine any whitish flake with a small magnifying glass to identify its shape. If the flake has a circular but slightly random shape -- it may also be flat -- it's dandruff or flaking skin. If the flake has an elongated oval shape and clearly is attached to a single shaft of hair, it's a nit.