How To Prevent a Yeast Skin Rash
Treat any red rash or developing diaper yeast rash on babies with an over-the-counter, anti-fungal cream that contains clotrimazole. Or use nystatin powders. This should clear the rash in one to two days. If not, consult your doctor.
Keep the affected area clean and dry and change diapers frequently.
Apply non-prescription lotions and vaginal creams to clear vaginal thrush at home. If this does not work, a a single dose of a stronger medication called flucanozole can clear most yeast infections, but requires a prescription from your doctor.
Sterilize every object your baby puts into his mouth in cases of oral thrush. Mothers should be tested to determine if they have a candida infection of the breast.
Clean dentures, if you wear them, every time between uses.
Shower well after every activity that causes sweat to form and keep skin areas free from recurring moisture. If you like sports, try to find sportswear that will be breathable and take excess moisture away from the skin. Remove damp clothes like swimwear as soon as possible. In cases of a rash, wash with soap and dry well.
Wear loose fitting clothing around the area of the rash. If you suffer from vaginal thrush, wear cotton underwear, which stops excessive moisture from forming. Change underwear regularly and ensure your bra fits well to avoid rubbing.
Buy a nonirritating antiperspirant to control the wetness forming in the area. In hot weather, use a fan to keep cool and dress in layers that can be removed one by one.
Stop scratching the area and avoid touching the area and then other parts of your body, so as to halt the spread of a yeast skin rash.
Eat live-culture yogurt regularly to maintain the right fungus/bacteria balance in your body.
Reduce your weight if you are obese, as yeast skin rashes are more common in overweight people who have more folds in their skin where rashes can form.