How to Remove a Blue Ink Tattoo
Make an appointment with a dermatologist. Show him your tattoo and discuss options to help you, such as dermabrasion (rubbing of the skin with some type of sanding disc or wand), salabrasion (salt soaking), or scarification (removal with acid). Whether one of these is right for you depends on size, location on your body and colors of the tattoo. Depending on how light or dark the shade of blue on your tattoo is, these may not be the best option for blue ink removal.
Make an appointment for a consultation at a clinic that has a tattoo removal specialist. This kind of specialist can discuss other options such as camouflaging, laser or surgical removal. Laser removal can take six to 12 sessions depending on how big and how dark or light the blue is on your tattoo. Camouflauging involves injecting pigments into the tattoo site to either form a new blue tattoo or mask the blue altogether, making it invisible. Surgical removal involves cutting the tattoo out and using either stitches or skin grafts to cover up the wound. This is a last resort if the other methods fail.
Visit your local drugstore and ask an employee about over-the-counter tattoo removal kits. There are several out on the market now, though they generally only work on small, single-colored tattoos. If you have multiple shades of blue or other colors besides blue in your tattoo, these kits may not work.
Decide on which procedure works best for you. Considerations include overall cost, discomfort and whether you will need to miss work as may be the case in the more painful laser or surgical procedures.