How to Get Rid of Dry Skin Cells & Sebum

Dry skin and sebum aren't life-threatening; instead, they are simply unattractive and uncomfortable. Dry skin can lead to dead skin cells and athletes foot. Sebum often leads to severe skins conditions like acne and noticeable itchy red spots. There are several home remedies and professional treatments available that can alleviate both of these problems. These treatments are cost effective and are found in your medicine cabinet.


  1. How To Alleviate Dry Skin

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      Warm showers!

      Take warm showers. Taking warm showers are ideal because they are the best way to keep the oil in your skin, which helps to reduce dryness. Despite relaxing nature of hot showers, they actually dry your skin out and make the condition worse. Don't shower more than 10 minutes.

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      Use lotion

      Use a moisturizer. After you're done showering, pat your skin down with a towel to dampen it. Apply the lotion to the skin while it is still damp. This allows the skin to absorb and lock in the moisture from the lotion. Repeat this process every time you shower.

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      Omega-3 food

      Eat foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 is good for alleviating dry skin. It's a fatty acid that can strengthen the skin's oil-retaining barriers. Incorporate foods in your diet such as cold-water fish, salmon, sardines, halibut, walnuts, flax, tuna and krill.

    How To Alleviate Sebum Issues

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      Use a moisturizing cream. According to WebMD, many people mistakenly believe that moisturizers make oily skin issues worse. However, oil and moisture are two different things. Use a cream that is light, oil-free and contains glycogen acid or salicylic acid as well as sunscreen. This type of skin-care product reduces the build-up of sebum and offers a youthful appearance.

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      Use over-the-counter treatments like OC 8 that suck-up the excess oils. Use this option if step one doesn't work. Speak with the pharmacist at your local store about what options are best.

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      Seek professional treatments. There are professional treatments that you can use. These prescription treatments might include Retin A, Differin, Tazorac or Accutane. This is something your dermatologist can assist you with.

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