How to Avoid Red Marks on Thin Skin
Having thin skin hosts a series of problems, one of them being red marks or blemishes. Many factors contribute to red marking or streaking of the skin, including over-exposure to the sun, age, acne and even a common skin condition called rosacea. After being checked by a dermatologist to determine that the red spots aren't harmful, there is a simple home remedy that can lighten the redness on the skin and even its tone.Things You'll Need
- Whole lemon or lemon juice
- Knife
- Shallow bowl
- Sugar
- Cotton balls
- Raw milk
- Vitamin E caplets
Cut a whole lemon into sections with a knife. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a shallow bowl. If desired, use 1 tbsp. of pure lemon juice instead.
Add 1 and 1/2 tbsp. white sugar to the lemon juice to form a paste. Apply the paste to a cotton ball and apply it directly to the affected skin. The sugar granules will exfoliate the skin while the acidity of the lemon juice will lighten the redness.
Allow the paste to it on the blemishes for 10 minutes. Rinse with clear running water. Repeat this process once or twice weekly for best results.
Soak a few cotton balls in a shallow bowl with about 2 tbsp. of raw milk. After the cotton is completely soaked, apply the raw milk directly to the blemishes twice a day.
Puncture a vitamin E caplet and apply the gel directly to the affected skin. You can also use a vitamin E gel or cream. Vitamin E will help even the tone of the skin.