How to Prevent Strechmarks From Appearing
Increase you water intake so that you are drinking a minimum of eight (8 ounce) glasses of water daily. Healthy skin starts on the inside, at the cellular level. Increasing water intake help keep your cells properly hydrated and your skin healthy, which can help ward off stretch marks.
Eat a variety of healthy foods that are rich in Zinc and Vitamins A, D and E. These vitamins help to maintain skin health by increasing elasticity, making your skin supple.
Avoid scratching itchy areas on your body. Stretch marks will itch as they develop due to the discomfort of the skin stretching. Scratching your skin can cause damage to the surface layer of the skin by pulling it and stretching it, making your stretch marks worse.
Massage the areas of your skin that are at risk for developing stretch marks with lotions or creams. This can increase blood flow to the surface of the skin, while adding moisture and hydration.
Avoid excessive weight gain by eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising regularly. Excessive weight gain, whether caused by a pregnancy or lack of exercise, can stretch the skin by expanding faster than the skin can compensate. Slow, controlled weight gain can help prevent stretch marks from appearing.