How do I Find the Difference Between Blue & Infrared Lights With Low-Level Light Therapy?
Things You'll Need
- Acne light therapy box
Find the technical data for your acne light therapy box on a sticker or label attached to the back or bottom of the light therapy box. This label will list the wavelengths of the red and blue LED or fluorescent light bulbs. On fluorescent-type light boxes, this information is also marked on the fluorescent light bulbs themselves.
Check the wavelength for the blue LED or fluorescent light bulbs, which should peak at 415 nm for both types of bulb. The blue light kills the bacteria that cause acne. This bacteria is unusual because it relies on chemical porphyrins to help it "breathe." When exposed to the blue light, the porphyrins produce oxygen and it is this process which destroys the acne bacteria.
Check the wavelength for the red LED or fluorescent light bulbs, which should peak in the 415 nm to 660 nm range for both types of bulb. The red light waves will soothe the skin and aid the healing of spots and acne scars. Acne light boxes use wavelengths outside those that damage the skin, so they will not cause sunburn or age the skin prematurely.