How Does Tat B Gone Work?
Tat B Gone is a three-stage tattoo-removal system. It consists of three different creams that are used together to fade or remove tattoos. The cream is applied at intervals, with each application potentially fading the tattoo a little more. Tattoo-removal creams are cheaper than laser removal and can be used at home.
Like similar tattoo-removal systems, Tat B Gone includes an exfoliating ingredient to remove dead skin cells and expose the tattooed skin to the cream. Other ingredients are intended to reduce irritation. The key ingredient is a skin-bleaching compound that fades the tattoo inks.
The effectiveness of tattoo-removal creams is often limited. Small amateur tattoos can sometimes be faded successfully, but large professional tattoos may remain unaffected by the treatment. Tat B Gone includes hydroquinone, an ingredient that has been banned in some countries and has attracted FDA scrutiny for its side effects, which can include permanent skin lightening and scarring.