Bikram Yoga and Stretch Marks

Bikram yoga, or hot yoga, twists and bends your body over a 90-minute class in a heated room. You may feel your skin stretching while you contort your limbs into the 26 asanas of the Bikram series, but this form of exercise does not cause or treat stretch marks.
  1. About Stretch Marks

    • Stretch marks on your skin mostly occur during pregnancy, particularly the second trimester, as well as when you gain or lose weight quickly. They can also result from collagen-formation problems, certain medications, and diseases such as diabetes. The most common locations of these marks, which resemble either reddish or faded white parallel streaks on the skin, include the thighs, hips, buttocks, stomach area and breasts.

    Bikram Yoga & the Skin

    • Yoga practitioners claim yoga benefits the skin primarily through deep relaxation; however, mental relaxation does not prevent or cure stretch marks. If you lose weight rapidly while including Bikram yoga in your exercise routine, it may seem as though your stretch marks worsen -- the American Skin Association notes that fast weight loss can produce this effect. The most common side effect of Bikram yoga, sweat, has no impact on stretch marks.

    Treating Stretch Marks

    • Stretch marks often fade or disappear over time, although you may find creams that claim to prevent or treat these marks. These ointments may not provide you with much of a benefit. "Yoga Journal" recommends aromatherapy oils to soothe skin problems. Do not apply creams or oils to treat stretch marks just before a Bikram yoga class, as they can make your skin slick and cause you to slip while performing asanas.


    • If you are pregnant, experiencing stretch marks and hoping -- even though the facts do not support it -- that Bikram yoga will prevent or treat your marks, proceed with caution. BabyCenter notes that doing Bikram yoga while pregnant can impede fetal growth. Consult your physician about the safety of yoga, including Bikram yoga, if you are pregnant.

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