How to Remove Facial Flushing
Things You'll Need
- Cold beverage or ice cube
Avoid embarrassing or stressful situations, if possible. If you feel that telltale hot feeling in your face, excuse yourself from the situation and take several deep breaths to prevent the blushing and flushing.
Consume a cold beverage or chew on an ice cube. These products send an instant cooling sensation to your face that helps relieve the symptoms of flushing.
Avoid the food and beverage triggers that cause flushing. Excessive consumption of alcohol, spicy foods and food that is too hot can all lead to flushing. Allow your burger or cup of tea to cool down before consuming it.
Protect your skin from direct sunlight and hot temperatures. Wear a baseball hat or stay in the shade during hot, sunny days as the sun’s rays cause your skin temperature to rise, leading to flushing.
Avoid supplements and multi-vitamins that contain niacin, as flushing is a common side effect from taking them. Therefore, do not consume them if you are prone to flushing.
Speak to your physician if your flushed skin doesn’t disappear with time. The redness may actually be rosacea, a skin condition characterized by red, blotchy, acne-like marks on the cheeks, chin and forehead.