How to Get Rid of Flaky Elbows
Things You'll Need
- Shower
- Bathtub
- Loofah
- Washcloth
- Cleansing bar
- Towel
- Body cream
Turn on your shower or fill the tub. Do not allow the water to reach a temperature higher than 85 F.
Gently scrub your elbows with a loofah or washcloth. Instead of regular soap, use cleansing bars with high fat content. This will help nourish the affected area, and your skin in general.
Dry your elbows. Once you are done bathing or showering, gently pat your elbows dry with a towel. Do not rub them, as this can irritate the area.
Apply the body cream. Rub some body butter, shea butter or natural oils to your elbow in order to moisturize it.
Cover your elbow. Wrap your elbow with a sock. This will keep the moisture in longer, thus increasing the efficiency of your treatment.