How to Get Rid of Hard Scales on Heels
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Plastic tub or foot bath
- Foot soak crystals
- Metal foot file
- Towel
- Cotton balls
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Antibiotic ointment
- Moisturizing foot cream
- Cotton socks
Fill a plastic basin or a foot bath with very warm water. Add a few foot soak crystals to the water. They will moisturize, soften and cleanse your feet.
Soak your feet in the warm water for 20 minutes.
Remove one of your feet from the foot bath and exfoliate with a metal foot file. Pay special attention to the ball of your foot, the heel and the sides and back of the heel region. Periodically dip the foot file in the water to remove the dead skin that accumulates on the file.
Put the exfoliated foot back in the water and repeat the exfoliation process on your other foot.
Remove both feet from the water and pat dry with a towel. Discard the water.
Saturate a few cotton balls with hydrogen peroxide and swab the cracked regions of your heels. You only have to do this in cases where the skin has broken.
Apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment to the cracks in your heels.
Apply a thick, even coat of moisturizing foot cream to your entire foot. Immediately cover your foot with a cotton sock. Repeat this process for your other foot.
Leave the socks on overnight. This will allow the cream to soak into the dry skin.
Repeat steps 1 through 10 for two weeks or until your heels are smooth and crack-free. Maintain soft, crack-free feet and heels by filing your feet four times a week and moisturizing nightly.