How Do You Get Rid of the Gray Shade After Shaving?

If you shave on a regular basis, you'll probably see a gray shade on your freshly shaved skin from time to time. This shading is caused by excess stubble that is too close to the skin to be adequately removed by the razor. The gray shade is particularly noticeable if you regularly use an electric razor. Fortunately, there are several methods for getting rid of the gray shade after shaving.

Things You'll Need

  • Razor blade
  • Shaving cream
  • Hair removal cream
  • Hair waxing kit
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      Switch your razor blade with a fresh one on a consistent basis. As a blade dulls, it becomes less efficient at removing stubble. And as it looses its efficiency, the blade has a tendency to leave behind the unwanted shading. A fresh blade and some shaving cream helps eliminate this problem.

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      Apply hair removal cream to the areas affected by the gray shade. The cream helps to temporarily remove the close stubble that causes the shade and is a useful supplement to your shaving routine.

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      Wax the gray areas in order to remove the stubble causing the shade for a longer period of time. The wax tightens around the stubble and then the strips attached to it are pulled off, taking the stubble and the shading with it. While this is uncomfortable and will irritate your skin temporarily, it does provides longer-lasting results compared to shaving alone.

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      Undergo laser removal for any stubborn stubble that consistently causes gray shading. Lasers remove the stubble permanently and take the shading with it. Be aware, however, that the procedure can be expensive.

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