How to Make Whiteheads and Pimples Really Go Away
Things You'll Need
- Clean washcloth
- Fragrance-free soap
- Topical skin care lotion
- Oral medication
- Zinc supplements
- Vitamin A supplements
Wash areas of your skin that are commonly affected by whiteheads and pimples with a fragrance-free, gentle soap or a mild face and body cleanser. Don't wash more than once or twice a day and don't scrub your face too hard, as these can lead to worsening conditions.
Apply a lotion to any affected areas that contains either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Follow the product's application instructions closely, never applying the lotion more frequently than recommended.
Consult your family doctor or dermatologist. He can prescribe an oral or topical medication to treat especially severe acne. These medicines may include Retinoids, Isotretinoin or an antibiotic.
Take zinc and Vitamin A supplements, which can improve your skin health. Take 30 mg of zinc twice per day for a month, then reduce the dosage to 30 mg just once per day. Consult your doctor before determining a dose of vitamin A that is suitable for you to take per day, as taking too much vitamin A can be toxic.