How to Tighten Skin in 3 to 5 Days
Things You'll Need
- Peach
- Egg white
- Blender
- Towel
- Cucumber
- Plain yogurt
- Coconut oil
- Instant skin firming serum
Get a skin peel at a salon or give one to yourself at home. A skin peel will help firm the skin. Create a peach-based skin treatment by removing the pit and skin of a ripe beach and whipping it in a blender with a single egg white. Lather the mixture over the face or hands and leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water and pat dry. Your skin will be tighter and softer.
Apply a toner to your skin regularly to improve blood circulation and to rejuvenate and fresh the skin. For a home skin toner, slice a cucumber and mix with plain yogurt. Apply to the skin for 10 minutes. Rinse with water.
Massage your skin for 10 minutes in the morning and the evening. Massages tighten the tissue and muscles underneath the skin, causing the skin to tighten and firm. Use a coconut oil when massaging for maximum results.
Apply an instant skin firming serum to your skin. Choose a serum made from natural or 100 percent organic ingredients, as other over-the-counter serums contain chemicals that damage the skin when used long term. Use the serum in the morning and before bed at night, immediately after washing the skin.
Avoid sun exposure. The sun's rays damage the skin and sunburns cause dead skin cells, which exacerbate the appearance of wrinkles or sagging. Wear cotton or natural fibers, rather than synthetics, when out in the sun, as natural fabrics better protect the skin from rays.