How to Break Up Fibrotic Tissue
Things You'll Need
- Foam roller
- Lotion
Lie down on the foam roller and work on your legs focusing on the area you are having trouble with. Position your body over the roller and use your arms to brunt some of your weight. Position yourself on the roller and gently roll back and forth on it. Do each leg section no more than two to three minutes at a time. This rolling will help break up any fibrotic tissue you have on your leg abductors, hamstrings, quadriceps and iliotibial band.
Work on your back with the foam roller. In this scenario, place your hands behind your neck to flatten your back and relieve pressure on your shoulder blades. Lay flat on the foam roller, positioning it across your mid back. Carefully roll up and downward maintaining a tight abdomen and keeping your hands in a fingers crossed position behind your head. Take a deep breath with each pass. Be careful not to flex your back or allow the roller to roll too close to your spine.
Self-massage your arms. Extend one arm outward and form your opposite hand into the shape of a backward "C." Using that hand, begin at your wrist and grasp your arm. Move slowly up your arm toward your heart using firm and continuous pressure. Use lotion if your movement is not smooth. Make sure you cover the entire area of your arm in this treatment.
Self-massage your hands. Using the opposite hand, grasp your hand to squeeze and massage the pads of your palm with as much firm pressure as you can take. Use your thumb to make a sweeping massage motion across the palm toward the heart. Take your fingers and squeeze them while gently twisting them at a position above each knuckle. Turn your hand over to squeeze and massage the back of your hand.