Home Sleep Tests: What to Know
**A home sleep test (HST) is a portable device used to diagnose and track sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, at home. HSTs are noninvasive and can provide a healthcare provider with valuable information about a person's sleep patterns.
**When is an HST recommended?
**An HST may be recommended by a healthcare provider if you are experiencing symptoms associated with a sleep disorder, such as daytime sleepiness, loud snoring, or pauses in breathing during sleep. It can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of sleep disorder treatments, such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy.
**How do you use an HST?
**HSTs are easy to use and come with detailed instructions provided by the healthcare provider. Generally, the device consists of a small monitor, nasal cannula or finger sensor, breathing sensors, and a recording device.
1. Prepare the room: Set up your HST device in a quiet, dark room where you usually sleep.
2. Wear the sensors: The nasal cannula or finger sensor will record your breathing patterns, and a monitoring device will be attached to your chest or abdomen to record your movement and breathing effort.
3. Start the recording: Once you are comfortably in bed, start the recording by pressing a button on the device.
4. Sleep: Try to sleep as normally as possible while the device records your sleep data.
5. Stop the recording: In the morning, stop the recording by pressing the appropriate button on the device and disconnect the sensors.
**How are the results interpreted?
**The HST data is reviewed by a healthcare provider, usually a sleep specialist. The results include:
- _Apnea-hypopnea index (AHI):_ Number of breathing interruptions or shallow breaths per hour during sleep.
- _Sleep efficiency:_ Time spent asleep vs. time in bed.
- _Oxygen saturation:_ Levels of blood oxygen during sleep.
- _Movement:_ Body movement during sleep.
- _Snoring:_ Loudness and frequency of snoring.
- _Cardiovascular events:_ Unusual heart rate or rhythm.
Advantages and disadvantages of HST:
- Convenient and comfortable, allowing you to sleep in your own bed.
- Noninvasive and painless.
- Provides valuable sleep information for diagnostics and treatment monitoring.
- May be less accurate than hospital-based sleep studies
- The home setup may be challenging for some individuals.
- Cannot diagnose all sleep disorders.
Discuss the pros and cons with your healthcare provider before opting for an HST.