What treatment for night discharge?
For men, night discharges are known as nocturnal emissions. They are more common in teenage and young adult years when testosterone levels are high and a man's body starts producing sperm.
For women, night discharges are sometimes referred as wet dreams, though they are not actual dreams related to sexual arousal.
Common causes of night discharge include:
- Hormonal changes: In both men and women, changes in hormone levels, particularly those associated with puberty and adolescence, can lead to increased production of semen or vaginal fluid.
- Medications: Certain medications, including some antidepressants and blood pressure drugs, can also result in night discharges.
- Sexually stimulating materials: Exposure to sexually explicit material or even dreaming of sexual encounters can trigger night discharge.
- Other medical conditions: In rare cases, night discharge could indicate an underlying medical problem such as infection, disease or structural abnormalities in the reproductive organs.
If you are concerned about night discharges or they become excessive or troublesome, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider. They can help assess any potential causes and provide the appropriate treatment if needed.