What does it when you here someone calling your asleep?
1.Brain arousal: The sound of your name can trigger a partial arousal from sleep. Your brain's auditory cortex recognizes the familiar sound and sends signal to various brain regions, particularly the reticular activating system (RAS) . The RAS is responsible for regulating sleep and wakefulness. when activated , it initiates the process waking up
2.Transition to lighter sleep stage The process of waking up from deep sleep to full consciousness involves passing through several sleep stages. When someone calls your asleep , it's likely that you transition to a lighter sleep stage, such as REM( rapid eye movement) sleep or stage 1 or stage 2 of non-REM sleep.
3.Increased heart rate and brain activity: As you begin to wake up in response to your name being called, your heart rate and brain activity increase. The heart pumps more blood to deliver oxygen and glucose to the brain , enabling it to function more effectively.
4.Disorientation and confusion: Upon waking up from sleep, you may experience a temporary state of disorientation and confusion. This is because your brain needs some time to fully wake up and process the incoming information .
5.Attention focus: Hearing your name can direct your attention toward the source of the sound. if the person calling your asleep is physically present, you may turn your head or open your eyes to locate them.
6.Emotional response: The tone and familiarity of the voice calling your name can evoke emotional responses. For example, if a loved one calls your asleep with a gentle voice, it might create a feeling of comfort and safety .
7.Full wakefulness: Eventuality, if the person continues to call our name or uses other means to wake you up, you usually transition to a fully wakeful state. At this point you are alert, aware of your surroundings, and able to engage in conscious thought and interaction.
It's important to note that individual responses may vary, and some people may find it easier to wake up when their name is called asleep while others may be more resistant to interruption during sleep.
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