What are the inattentive type of ADD?
Inattentive type of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the three subtypes of ADHD, as recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). It is characterized by difficulty paying attention, following instructions, and staying focused on tasks. People with the inattentive type of ADHD may also have trouble organizing their thoughts and belongings, and they may be easily distracted.
Symptoms of the inattentive type of ADHD include:
- Often making careless mistakes in schoolwork, at work, or during other activities
- Having difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities
- Not seeming to listen when spoken to directly
- Not following instructions and failing to finish schoolwork, chores, or other duties
- Having difficulty organizing tasks and activities
- Often losing things necessary for tasks or activities (such as toys, school assignments, pencils, books, or tools)
- Being easily distracted
- Forgetful in daily activities
- Appearing sluggish and lethargic
-Having difficulty with time management
-Often avoiding, disliking, or being reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as schoolwork or homework)
-Daydreaming frequently.
It's important to note that the inattentive type of ADHD is not the same as the hyperactive-impulsive type of ADHD. People with the inattentive type of ADHD may not show the same level of hyperactivity and impulsivity as those with the hyperactive-impulsive type. However, they may still experience difficulties with attention and focus.