How to Stop Waking Up After Three Hours
Good Sleep Habits
Go to bed at a fixed hour. Stay with this time every night, as this will help the mind and body to recognise this as a time for sleep. Follow the same routine for an hour each night before going to sleep. Have a warm bath or read to help the mind wind down.
Avoid eating rich foods several hours before sleeping. A milky drink can be soothing, but do not drink coffee or tea late in the evening. Note how many cups of coffee and tea are consumed during the day and replace them with an herbal tea or decaffeinated coffee.
Find a form of exercise you enjoy and schedule it into your day. Regular exercise can help with weight issues and reduce stress. This can help the body to sleep for a full eight hours.
Clear the bedroom of distractions. Move televisions and computers to another part of the house. Make sure the curtains prevent light entering the room. Switch off phones or put them on silent mode to avoid noisy distractions while sleeping.
Empty the mind of any concerns from the day, from work or family life. Write down a list of worries or jobs to do, if it is not possible to clear them from your head. Go to bed with a quiet mind. If you wake up after three hours sleep, thinking about problems, make a note of actions for the next day and put it to one side.
Get Professional Help
Find out what your healthy weight should be, as obesity can cause insomnia. Losing weight can be done with or without help from the doctor. Failing to sleep properly will make it harder to lose weight, so help and advice from a medical professional may be required.
Visit your family doctor. The doctor will analyze the symptoms and carry out tests. A number of conditions can cause sleeping disorders. The doctor will advise on the appropriate treatment.
Talk to someone about counselling. If stress is causing lack of sleep, you may need to get professional help to resolve the issues. Getting help to manage the stress will allow you to sleep without waking up after three hours.