CPAP Supplies Recommended
CPAP Machines
The first CPAP machine was developed in 1981 by Dr. Collin Sullivan in Sydney, Australia. Several companies make the machines, including names like Respironics, ResMed, DeVilbiss and Fisher & Paykel. A CPAP will have the pressure set according to the prescription from the respiratory specialist based on the tests done to confirm the sleep apnea diagnosis. No type of CPAP machine can be purchased without a physician's prescription. The machines can be purchased through oxygen supply stores or health specialty stores. It is possible to purchase machines online, but shopping in person is preferable in order to get the best machine for you along with being able to try different masks for fit and function.
Types of CPAP
CPAP provides a constant pressure throughout the night. The APAP is an Automatic Positive Airway Pressure machine that automatically adjusts the pressure provided, breath by breath. There is also a BiPAP which is a BiLevel Positive Airway Pressure device. In this case the machine provides one pressure for inhaling and another pressure for exhaling so that the patient does not have to breathe out against the high pressure level. A BiPAP will generally be prescribed for patients with lung disease, pulmonary inefficiency and other problems with difficult breathing. The tubing required for each machine is provided with the device.
CPAP Masks
The type of mask used for CPAP will depend on the patient's preference and her experience with the mask used during the tests done in the sleep lab. It is possible that after using one type of mask for a period of time that another style may be tried and found to be more comfortable. The three basic types of masks include: the nasal mask that just covers the nose, an oral mask which covers only the mouth and a full face mask that covers both the nose and mouth. All masks are held on the face with a headgear piece which is an adjustable strap over the top of the head and another over the lower head. Another option for people who find the masks too confining or claustrophobic is the CPAP Nasal Pillow. It consists of two small pillows that fit into the nasal cavities to provide the air pressure. Often these and the other types of masks will require the patient to wear a chin strap to keep the mouth closed since the air pressure naturally causes the mouth to open.
Humidifiers CPAP
A humidifier unit can be added to the CPAP machine to provide extra moisture for the nose, mouth and lungs. It helps to prevent dry mouth and throat issues and makes the treatment a little more bearable. There is a heated and non-heated humidifier unit, but most people find the heated type to be much more efficient in combating the dryness. It is imperative that you keep the humidifier clean and that you use only distilled water in it so that it will not damage the machine.