CPAP Mask Cleaning Instructions
Things You'll Need
- Mild liquid dish soap
- Clean, soft cloth
- Distilled white vinegar
Disassemble your CPAP machine according to product directions. Remove both the mask and the hose from the machine; then disconnect the headgear and the hose from the mask. These need cleaning daily, but should be cleaned as separate pieces.
Wash your hands with hot water and a good antibacterial soap. Rub your hands together for at least two minutes, paying attention to between the fingers and both sides of your hands. Cleaning your hands after disassembling your CPAP unit prevents existing germs from transferring back.
Prepare a sink or bowl full of hot water mixed with a few drops of mild, clear liquid dish soap -- enough to produce suds. Dip a soft, clean washcloth into the soapy water, wring the cloth out, then gently wipe down the mask, headgear, and the outside of the tubing with the cloth. Wash over each area a couple times to be thorough.
Dip one end of the CPAP tubing into the soapy water: Then lift it, to make the solution run through the tubing and out the other end. Repeat several times, to ensure that the entire length has been well-flushed with suds.
Rinse the mask assembly and tubing well with hot water. Re-wash any pieces that remain dirty or oily. Air dry all pieces, hanging them in an area away from direct sunlight, which deteriorates the plastic pieces.
Disinfect the mask and tubing once a week. Mix white vinegar with hot water in a 50:50 ratio. Place the pieces in the solution and allow them to soak for 20 to 30 minutes. Lift one end of the tubing and allow the disinfecting solution to run out the other end several times during the soaking process.
Rinse the disinfected pieces, one at a time, under hot running water. Flush for three to five minutes per piece. Lay them out to dry on a fresh, clean cloth or hang them away from direct sunlight.
Clean and disinfect other CPAP components according to schedule. The humidifier reservoir should be washed and sanitized after the mask pieces, the unit and disposable filters, if used, require a weekly cleansing.