How to Use a Bipap Machine
Things You'll Need
- Bipap Machine
- Tubing
- Sleep Mask
Place the unit on hard, flat surface that is free of obstructions such as drapery or blankets. Keep the unit free of air conditioners and heaters that may effect the way it delivers the air to the patient. Connect the tubing to the large air outlet on the unit.
Place the sleep mask on the face snugly. It should fit, but should not be tight enough to leave a sore. All straps should be pulled to an equal tension around the face and head. Connect the tubing to the mask.
Turn on the Bipap unit. Adjust the straps of the mask until there is minimal air leakage from where the mask contacts the skin. Be sure that the air does not leak into the eyes. Position the tubing so that it flows freely and does not twist or kink. It should also be out of the way when repositioning in bed.
Find a comfortable sleep position. Breathe deeply through the nose and try to relax. If the machine has a ramp function, be sure to use it to start with a lower amount of pressure for the first twenty minutes of sleep. Relaxation and consistent use are key to getting accustomed to using a Bipap machine.