What Are the Causes of Early Morning Wakening?
Recommended Amount of Sleep
Getting the recommended eight hours of sleep a night is sometimes a challenge, especially if you wake up too early and can't fall back to sleep. Sleeping between seven and eight hours per night will help you feel rested and keep your body healthy. Insomnia is usually the symptom of another problem. Most cases of insomnia can be resolved when you address the underlying cause.
Stress, pressure or anxiety over situations currently happening in your life, or in your future, are very common causes of insomnia. When you sleep, your mind goes through several cycles of deep sleep and then lighter sleep. During the lighter sleep periods your mind might begin thinking about real life issues. This is most common in the early morning. Learn to manage your stress and simplify your life. If you can accept the fact that in most cases the stress and anxiety are short lived, so will be your insomnia.
Full Bladder
Many people can only make it through part of the night without having to get up to use the bathroom. Try to keep your eyes partially closed as you feel your way to the bathroom, so that you will stay partially asleep. Do not allow your mind to start thinking of the day ahead. Try not to turn on any lights. Go straight back to bed and keep your mind free of real life issues. Limit your liquids for a couple of hours before bedtime.
Medications and Drugs
Medications and illicit drugs can wake you up early in the morning. Read the side effects of all medications you are taking to see if insomnia is listed. Medications, including sleep aids, can be the cause of early morning wakening.
Sunlight or Noise in the Early Morning
If your bedroom does not stay dark, or you live in a noisy house or neighborhood, this could be the cause of early morning wakening. Make your room darker by hanging blackout drapes or blinds. Purchase and use a "white noise" device that makes a constant sound such as a waterfall, rain or ocean waves to block out loud and sudden noises.
Health Conditions
Diseases and health conditions may cause you to wake up. Some conditions that might be the cause of early morning wakening are COPD, overactive thyroid, arthritis, heartburn, enlarged prostate, chronic pain, sleep apnea, cystitis, heart or lung problems, plantar fasciitis or restless leg syndrome.
Regular Sleep Schedule
It is important to set a regular bedtime and wake up time. If your sleep schedule is erratic, you will probably find yourself waking up when you don't want to be awake. Your body gets used to a regular pattern of sleep and wakefulness, so arrange your schedule in a predictable pattern and you should be able to sleep through the night.
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