Tricks to Stop Snoring
Sleep on Your Side
Sleeping on your side rather than your back might help stop snoring. The muscles of your tongue, soft palate and throat relax as you sleep. Sleeping on your back causes the relaxed tongue and soft palate to lie against the back of your throat. As air flows past, the tongue and soft palate vibrate, which causes the snoring sound. Make yourself sleep on your side rather than on your back throughout the night. If necessary, use a body pillow to help you stay on your side.
Elevate the Head of Your Bed
Raising the head of your bed 4 to 6 inches can help you stop snoring. Sleeping at an incline prevents the tongue from falling back into the throat and blocking your airway. However, using pillows to elevate your bed will not produce the desired effect. Instead, place bricks or books under the top two legs of your bed to elevate it.
Clear Your Nasal Pasages
A clogged or blocked nose can contribute to snoring. Narrowed nasal passages force air to move through the airways at a quicker, more forceful pace. This causes the relaxed tissues to vibrate more, which causes snoring to increase in intensity. Opening your nasal passages allows air to move more slowly through your nose, which prevents snoring. Taking a hot shower before bed is one way to open nasal passages. You can also use a saline rinse or a neti pot to rinse your nasal passages, or nasal strips to lift them open.
Reduce Dust and Allergens
Allergens such as dust mites and animal dander can cause allergies. These allergies can result in a stuffy nose and blocked air passages, which contributes to snoring. Periodically dust your bedroom and change your bedding. Do not allow pets to sleep in the room or on your bed at any time. Clean your pillows twice a month, and replace them every six months.
Effects of Alcohol, Sedatives, Cigarettes
A nightcap or sleeping pill can contribute to snoring. Drinking alcohol or taking sedatives causes the tongue and throat to relax more than usual. This causes increase air flow blockage. Stop drinking within four hours of bedtime, and avoid sedatives to prevent snoring.
Avoid smoking completely. Smoking causes inflammation and swelling in the airways. This causes narrowed passages, which results in snoring.