How to Break a Bad Sleep Cycle
Get a Good Night's Rest
Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day. This applies to weekends as well. When preferring to sleep-in on the weekends endeavor to make it a point to wake up at the same time anyway to keep sleep patterns on track.
Avoid drinking coffee, tea, soda, cocoa and chocolate drinks at night close to bedtime. These are all stimulants and aggravate the body instead of helping it to wind down.
Have a light snack before bed but not a heavy meal. Mango, rice, banana, sweet potatoes and nuts produce serotonin which induces sleep.
Read relaxing material, take a warm bath or listen to soothing music right before bedtime. This relaxes your body and prepares it for sleep mode.
Exercise early in the morning or midday. This will contribute to a healthy sleeping pattern. Exercising right before bed does not wind the body down and is likely to produce a burst of energy.
Avoid daytime naps to catch up on sleep. Daytime naps can make you less tired at bedtime, making it difficult to get to sleep.