What Causes Sleepwalking in Children?
There is very strong evidence that genetics is a determining factor in sleepwalking. If one or both parents are sleepwalkers, then it is highly likely that a child is going to sleepwalk as well. WebMD states it is 10 times more likely if a first-degree relative sleepwalks that a person will also exhibit symptoms of sleepwalking. Genetics is the first and most likely cause of this disorder.
Anatomical Maturation
As a child's body matures, his or her neurological system also begins to mature. This includes the system that controls the sleep functions in the brain. Sometimes different parts of the system mature at different rates and this can cause the symptoms of sleepwalking. The body has to have time to catch up to the different systems that are maturing. Once these systems are back on equal footing, then the sleepwalking behavior usually resolves itself.
There are many stressors that can negatively impact a child's sleep. Having a full bladder, anticipating an upcoming test or sleepiness can all contribute to a sleepwalking episode. Sometimes it helps to find out what is bothering the child to pinpoint what exactly is causing the sleepwalking. Sometimes the stressors will be obvious, but sometimes they will be more difficult to pin down. Still, it is worth the investigation if it means a solid night's sleep for the sleepwalker.
Medical Reasons
Medical reasons do not usually count for many sleepwalking cases, but there are a few. Abnormal heart rhythms, sleep apnea and fever have all been known to cause sleepwalking. Some drugs such as sedatives, neuroleptics and antihistamines can also contribute to sleepwalking. Some psychiatric disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder, panic attack and multiple-personality disorder may be linked to sleepwalking behavior as well.