How to Stop Teenagers From Snoring
Turn your snoring teenager on his side or stomach when he starts snoring. This will usually stop the snoring immediately. Of course, it doesn't fix the underlying issues which can include nasal, sinus and throat conditions that you'll need to address with a physician. But when you and your family can't sleep, rolling your noisy teen into another sleeping position may get you through the night.
Take your child to the doctor. There are several causes of snoring, and you'll need to know which one is affecting your teen. If it's not so easy to diagnose, your family practitioner may refer you and your teen to an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist for further testing or a second opinion.
Give your teen over-the-counter medicated nasal strips to wear at night if congestion is the cause of his snoring. Each night, your teen should place a strip over the bridge of his nose. Special decongestant medication passes through the skin and helps open up clogged nasal passages. When your teen's airway is clear, his snoring will stop.
Ensure your teen takes the allergy medication her doctor gives her. Allergies often induce snoring and may involve more congestion than a nasal strip can handle. In such cases, doctors may prescribe oral antihistamines, nasal sprays or both. Proper and consistent use of prescription medication can usually reopen airways and end snoring.
Ask the doctor to check for a deviated septum. Sometimes, a piece of cartilage in the nose is responsible for snoring. Only surgery can fix this. A qualified ENT specialist can assess the severity of the problem and how traumatic surgery would be for your child.
Talk to your child's physician about sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a serious condition in which the throat tissue obstructs the airway. Snoring is a common symptom and usually occurs shortly before the airway becomes blocked. The loss of breath forces the sufferer awake. Many sleep apnea patients experience poor sleep and several bouts a night of snoring and stopped breathing. A physician will have to run polysomnography tests to determine if your child has this. If diagnosed, your child may be prescribed a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine and mask to wear while sleeping.
Check to make sure your child is drinking enough water during the course of the day. Hydration is important to the production of nasal and sinus fluids. If your child is dehydrated, fluids may become thick and sticky, which contribute to snoring.
Help your child lose weight. Being overweight can cause snoring. Extra fat on the neck can create pressure on airways that lead to obstruction during sleep. Find a solution that makes sense for your child which may include a formalized diet, more exercise or changes to your child's eating habits. Consult a physician before beginning a diet or exercise regime.