Sleeping Activities
Rise and Shine
If you are staying up too late and sleeping in until nearly lunchtime every day, then you have as much of a waking problem as you do a sleeping problem. The human body needs a certain amount of rest, and the energy supply starts draining when you get out of bed. If you get up later, your body won't tell you it needs sleep until later. Try waking up at an earlier hour to get your body tuned for going to bed earlier. Don't expect to get up at noon and be in bed by 10 p.m. Try rising with the sun and winding down with it, too.
Reading can be exciting if you pick the right book. Still, it tends to be an activity that can put you in a relaxed mood and make you ready for sleep. Try reading material you enjoy to help you wind down and get ready for bed. Choose fiction or other material that will not stress you out. You might not want to study your astrophysics text late at night or read anything else that will make your mind work too hard or think too much. Some escapism is in order to get you ready to snooze.
Regular Exercise
According to, regular exercise can help you get to sleep at night and will also make the sleep you get more restful. This is just another added bonus to the many perks of getting enough exercise. However, exercising at night can make getting to sleep more problematic. This isn't the case for everyone, but some people get revved up by exercise and might have trouble falling asleep soon after. A good morning workout should help with sleeping at night.
Eat Early
Don't eat within two hours of going to bed. Eating a heavy meal or a meal that might cause heartburn close to bedtime can make getting to sleep tough. Eat early and avoid late-night snacking. Make the last meal of the day a light one as well. This is good for overall health as well as for sleep purposes.
Sleeping Pills
Taking sleeping pills is not a recommended way to fall asleep and should only be used as a last resort to serious sleep deprivation problems, according to Consult a doctor about taking any kind of sleep aid, follow directions carefully and never consume alcohol with them. Wean yourself off the pills slowly to prevent withdrawal symptoms and possible addiction issues.