How to Interpret a Dream About a Spirit Coming Toward You
Things You'll Need
- Tape recorder
- Notebook
- Writing tool
- Dream Dictionary
- Diary/Journal
Recounting the Dream
Record everything that happened in the dream from beginning to end. Write it down or vocalize the dream into an audio recorder first, then transcribe details from there. Pay attention to as many details as possible about the spirit, including facial features, clothing, the speed of approach and the emotions the spirit incited in you.
Write down everything you can remember about things that appeared around the spirit, including objects, other figures and colors.
Circle any words or descriptions in your written record that stand out, invoked a strong emotion or triggered a familiar memory. The circled words might be part of a common theme. In dreams involving a spirit, you might notice the spirit's clothing but pay little attention to the hair or facial features. If the clothing reminds you of someone who wore similar items, that should be highlighted as an important aspect of the dream.
Tell a trusted friend about the dream. Often telling someone draws the focus to the important aspects of the dream and helps to jar the memory for more. The tone of the story when you tell it may clue you in to the mood of the dream. For instance, if you feel tense when you talk about it, the dream may indicate discomfort.
Interpreting the Dream
Review relevant events in your life at the time of the dream. Focus on similarities between events in your waking life and the theme of the dream. If the spirit felt cold or dangerous, determine whether there is a life situation that is worrying you or makes you uncomfortable.
Look at recent journal or diary entries. Highlight any happenings or details that correspond to anything in the dream, such as thoughts regarding a long dead friend or relative or worries about someone being sick.
Look up interpretations of symbolism in a dream dictionary or online dream databases.
Write down possible interpretations that could pertain to you. If you recently lost someone, interpretations regarding mourning or regrets might be appropriate, depending on your relationship with that person. Likewise, if some of the interpretations pertain to pregnancy and you're a single man, you can likely rule that one out.
Analyze your dream. Write current life situations next to possible interpretations to find connections. Ask yourself if the connection makes sense. For example, if you've been stressed about a job interview and one of the possible interpretations was about a spirit coming to guide you, ask yourself if you felt comfort in the dream and if that feeling eased your stress about the interview.
Write a final journal entry to tie together your interpretations. Be concise and truthful in how you feel about the dream and the interpretations. Jot down any questions that come to mind, then review the interpretations to see if you can answer those questions. Make sure to write down the answers. End the entry by reflecting on how you can apply the analysis to aspects of your waking life.