Cures for Lack of Sleep
Dropping Bad Habits
If you find it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep, it may be due to certain habits that will make your insomnia worsen. Some of these habits include: taking naps throughout the day, drinking excessive amounts of coffee and caffeine, drinking alcohol or smoking before bed, and keeping an irregular sleep schedule. If you find yourself habitually doing these things, try to stop. This may be the cure for your lack of sleep.
Developing Sleep-Productive Habits
As you drop the habits that keep you from sleeping, you should also pick up new ones that help you to sleep. Avoid any stimulating activity just before it is time for bed. Lastly, have a set time for bed. While you may no longer be 10 years old, you mother knew best when she made you go to sleep at the same time each night. Do not engage in physical activity, big discussions or mentally stimulating electronics at least one hour before bed.
Creating a Better Sleeping Environment
Your bedroom should stay cool, dark and quiet while you are sleeping. Light, noise and heat can hinder your sleep. If you live in the city where it is loud, invest in a white-noise maker or a set of earplugs. The sun rises early, and if you don't have to rise when the sun does, then consider purchasing blackout curtains for your room. If possible, open a window or use a fan in the room to keep it cool.
Relaxation Techniques
Develop a relaxing bed time routine. Work on those hobbies that you never get to do during your stressful day. Because you won't be engaging in strenuous activities an hour before bed, consider knitting, listening to soft music or reading a book. As an additional way to relax, complete breathing exercises. This naturally relaxes the body. Likewise, learn muscle relaxation. A combination of these relaxation techniques an hour before bed can cure your lack of sleep.