Mouthpieces to Stop Snoring
Consult Your Dentist
A snoring mouth guard prevents snoring for many people. Before you buy an expensive dental appliance that may not solve your snoring problems, check with a dentist to see whether your snoring is due to an obstructed airway. With the consent of a dentist or health professional, you can select a mouthpiece to help minimize or stop your snoring. The mouthpiece actually works by keeping your lower jaw slightly in front of your upper jaw. This placement of the jaws allows your airway passage to stay open and clear of obstructions.
Professionally Made Mouthpieces
Professionally molded mouth guards can be expensive. A professionally made mouthpiece is molded by a dentist and designed specifically for your mouth. During a dental visit, an imprint is made of your mouth and teeth, and the mouthpiece is made from the imprints so that it form fits to your teeth. This appliance may or may not be covered by your insurance company, so check first if you plan to use dental or medical insurance to pay for your appliance. The main benefit of having a dentist create your mouthpiece is that it is form-fitted just for you, and the dentist can mold the mouth guard so that it keeps your airway as open as possible. The downside of these specially made mouth guards is that they can be expensive, costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars in many cases.
Home-Molded Mouthpieces
Mouth guards can be purchased at large retail stores or drugstores and molded at home. These mouthpieces look similar to the mouth guards worn by athletes during sporting competitions. Most of these mouth guards are boiled to make the plastic or rubber soft and pliable, and then placed in the mouth to make the imprint of your teeth. Store-purchased mouth guards have been used by many people with great success, and cost much less than a dentist-prepared appliance.
Side Effects of Mouthpieces
Many people who have tried both types of mouth guards find them too uncomfortable to sleep in. Others may discover that the mold they have is not form-fitted to their teeth and have problems with their teeth changing position over time. Another side effect of wearing the mouthpiece at night is a surplus of saliva, which causes repeated swallowing or drooling. Poorly fitted mouthpieces can also cause jaw pain and discomfort. Talk to your dentist about possible side effects of wearing a mouthpiece for snoring relief. Every person is different, and certain mouth pieces may work for some and not others. Your dentist can recommend what is best for your situation.