Natural Herbs to Help the Elderly Sleep at Night
Although it has a chemical-sounding name, 5-HTP is all-natural. 5-HTP is collected through the extraction of Griffonia Simplicifolia seeds. 5-HTP is useful in aiding the elderly's sleep, as it increases the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in normalizing sleep patterns. It is especially effective in the elderly. This is because the elderly are prone to depression due to retirement issues and witnessing the deaths of friends and family members, and these issues can lead to a lowering of the natural production of serotonin.
Melatonin deficiency, common in the elderly, can lead to irregularities in the sleep-wake cycle. This is because magnesium plays the role of assisting the body to know when it should sleep. Because melatonin levels naturally go down as a person ages, taking a natural melatonin supplement after reaching old age is a sound choice for the first line of defense against insomnia.
Passiflora is a species of flower that can be used as a sleep aid and antidepressant. By soaking the leaves of this flower in hot water, you can make a tea that assists the elderly in relieving feelings of depression. Passiflora tea is often used as an anti-insomnia tea and should be ingested before bedtime for the full effect.
Valerian is an herb, usually sold in extract form. It is a common herbal remedy for insomnia. Users of valerian tend to feel the effect of the herb within weeks of use. Effects include ease of falling asleep and ease of staying asleep. It is particularly effective in the elderly because of its relaxant properties.