How to Increase the Oxygen Level in a CPAP Machine
Supplemental oxygen may be used in conjunction with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, or CPAP, therapy for two reasons. Some patients with sleep apnea may be on supplemental oxygen during the day, and may also need this support as they sleep. More rarely, patients whose apnea continues to lower their blood oxygen levels despite CPAP therapy may also need supplemental oxygen. Connecting an oxygen hose to the CPAP airway isn't very difficult, but it does usually require a special adapter which is placed between the CPAP air outlet and the airway hose.Things You'll Need
- CPAP machine with airway tubing and mask
- CPAP tubing pressure valve
- CPAP oxygen enrichment attachment
- Oxygen canister or oxygen concentrator
- Oxygen tubing
Disconnect the airway tubing from the CPAP air outlet.
Slide the input side of the pressure valve over the air outlet on the CPAP machine.
Slide input side of the oxygen enrichment attachment over the output side of the pressure valve. Then slide the airway tubing over the output side of the oxygen enrichment attachment.
Connect the oxygen tubing to the output port on the oxygen cannister or oxygen concentrator.
Slide off the rubber cover on the input port of the oxygen enrichment attachment, and slide the other end of the oxygen hose over the port.
Place the mask over your face and start the CPAP machine.
Turn the valve on the oxygen canister to the pressure your doctor has prescribed, or turn on the oxygen concentrator and set it to the prescribed pressure.