Pros and Cons to Nasal Pillows
CPAP Delivery
CPAP consists of a machine to compress and drive air, tubing to deliver the air to the patient, a delivery mask and a head harness to attach the mask to the patient's head. There are three kinds of delivery masks: the full-face mask, the nasal mask and the nasal pillow. The full-face mask covers both mouth and nose; the nasal mask covers the nose; and the nasal pillow fits against the nostrils to hold two nasal cannulae, or cones, over the opening of each nostril. Several considerations determine which system is most advantageous to the patient.
Nasal Pillow Contraindications
Patients with blocked nasal passages and those who breathe through their mouths while asleep will not want to use either the nasal mask or the nasal pillow. Forcing air through blocked nasal passages will provide inadequate air flow, as well as cause irritation to the nasal passages. If the patient suffers from structural obstruction in the nasal passages, such as a deviated septum, surgery can correct the problem, whereupon the nasal pillow may then be an option.
Problems with Masks
While the full-face mask is the system that ensures the greatest and most consistent airflow, some people do not respond well to this system. Facial hair causes disruptions in the seal. Patients cannot talk, and still be understood, after they have attached the device. Patients frequently experience mild to severe claustrophobia with the full-face apparatus. These people are candidates for the nasal mask or nasal pillow. The nasal pillow is the lightest and least obstructive of all three devices.
Advantages of the Nasal Pillow
It is easier for the patient who sleeps on her stomach or side to use the nasal pillow, because the device is the smallest of the three. Men with beards and mustaches can wear the nasal pillow without any problem. Because the nasal pillow has minimal contact with the face, there is less chance or irritation, though some people experience irritation around the nostrils, which can usually be alleviated with a dab of lotion or jelly.