How to Make Sure I Get Up When the Alarm Goes Off
Turn the volume up on the alarm clock and move it away from your arm's reach. If the volume is at its highest level, it should help wake you up. Moving it away from you will prevent you from easily turning it off before getting out of bed.
Go to bed earlier. If you have trouble waking up when your alarm clock goes off, you're probably not getting enough sleep. Most adults need about eight hours of sleep each night.
Limit your intake of caffeine, particularly in the late afternoon and evening. Too much caffeine can cause you to have trouble sleeping, which could keep you awake later. This makes it harder for you to wake up and get up on time.
Partially open the curtains or blinds before going to sleep. The sunlight beaming through the windows in the morning should help you wake up easier.
Buy a louder alarm clock, or buy an extra alarm clock. If buying an extra, set it to go off 10 to 20 minutes after the first one. If you get turn the first alarm clock off, then go back to bed, you'll be forced to get up when the second alarm goes off. This may help you wake up on time.