A Quick Way to Stop Snoring
Things You'll Need
- Humidifier
- Honey and lozenges
- Pillows
Set up a humidifier in your bedroom and run it at night. Snoring is often caused by a dry, vibrating throat. A humidifier's dispersal of water vapor will moisturize your throat.
Eat several spoons full of honey a day or take lozenges to coat and soothe your throat to prevent dryness.
Rest your head on a few pillows to open your airway and promote better breathing.
Avoid certain foods, drinks and medications several hours before bedtime. Alcoholic beverages, sleeping pills and antihistamines may loosen throat muscles. Dairy products cause mucous build-up, which may disrupt breathing, and cigarettes dry your throat.
Avoid sleeping on your back. Ask your bed partner to roll you on your side if you start snoring, or sew a hard object to your pajama back if you sleep alone.