How to Listen to Ambient Sounds While Sleeping

Sleep disturbances caused by noise ruin the overall quality of your rest and can lead to exhaustion if they occur repeatedly. While medications and earplugs are available to induce sleep and block out noise, ambient sounds are suitable alternatives to reduce disrupted sleep. Commonly known as background or white noise, ambient sounds create a low, consistent sound that encourages relaxation and sleep. Sound machines are available to produce artificial ambient sounds, or you can create your own ambient sound machine by using household devices such as fans.

Things You'll Need

  • White noise machine
  • Motorized fan
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      Purchase white noise sound clips on your computer. Sites such as PacDV and Future Wave Shaper provide free or low-priced packages that include a variety of ambient sounds that are playable on your computer during sleep.

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      Plug your media player into your bedroom's stereo. Applications are available in the App Store on the iPhone and iPod Touch, or from the Android Market on your Android phone and cost $.99 to $1.99, depending on the application.

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      Set your fan on medium speed while sleeping. The noise from the fan acts as white noise to block out outside sounds and lowers the temperature of the room for a better night's rest. Lower temperatures in your room while you sleep helps you sleep soundly, and a too-warm room causes discomfort and interrupts your sleep.

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