How to Cure Light Sleeping
Things You'll Need
- Earplugs
- Sleep Mask
- Hypnotist
- Apple cider vinegar
- Chamomile tea
- Melatonin tablets
Ear plugs can be suprisingly effective when you can't sleep. Take a look at your daily routine and lifestyle. These may be affecting your ability to sleep. Consider if there's anything that's causing you stress. There may also be environmental factors affecting your sleep, such as noisy cars or bright lights. Try to eliminate any of these factors first, by dealing with the cause of stress, or wearing earplugs and a sleep mask at night.
Can't sleep? Try meditation. Meditate and exercise. It might sound silly, but meditation and exercise will relax your mind and facilitate a better night's sleep. In particular, If stress is causing your insomnia, activities like meditation, light exercise and guided imagery will help.
Doctors at Harvard University found that hypnotism actually promotes faster healing. Get hypnotized. Many insomniacs have tried this with great success. Under hypnosis, you might work out any personal issues that are robbing you of sleep. A hypnotist can also "program" you to sleep.
Chamomile tea helps you relax and may help you get a good night's sleep. Try natural cures. Sipping a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in water can help. Some insomniacs take melatonin tablets, which are derived from natural plant extracts, to help them sleep. Others drink a cup of calming chamomile tea before bed.
Sleeping pills, if used in moderation, are useful in curing short-term insomnia. See a doctor. If your insomnia persists, a doctor can prescribe medication to be taken when you can't sleep. There are several medications on the market that will help you sleep and aren't damaging to your health. Just remember to be careful with them, as sleeping pills can be addictive.