How to Make Delta Waves
Set a schedule for sleeping that follows a routine and time. Go to sleep at a certain hour every day and plan to wake up at the same hour the next day. You need at least eight to nine hours of sleep.
Keep your bedroom quiet and turn off all noise. If you sleep with the radio or television on, turn them off. Televisions actually stimulate brain activity away from sleeping. Without achieving theta waves of sleep, you never achieve delta waves, so be prepared to turn off all distractions when preparing for bed.
Sleep only in your bed and do not use your bed as a work base. If you have a laptop and frequently write in bed at night or perform other activities, you send your body mixed signals about what you want to do when you get under the sheets. Your bed is only for sleeping.
Start a bedtime ritual to help you fall asleep. These might include taking a warm bath, listening to soft music or reading a book.
Cut down on caffeine. Particularly before going to sleep, avoid drinking coffee or caffeinated sodas. Have you ever seen a puppy after drinking its mother's milk? It falls quickly to sleep. Drinking warm milk also helps humans to relax. Other foods that cause drowsiness are turkey and chamomile tea.
Start a relaxing technique before sleep. Deep breathing exercises help calm the mind and prepare for sleep. Tense your muscles as tight as you can from head to toe, then relax them, repeating this over and over until you feel loose. As you lay down, visualize yourself in a relaxing place, doing an activity that you enjoy.
See a sleep doctor if problematic sleeping behavior continues. The only way to know you are making delta waves every night is by seeing a sleep doctor who monitors your brain waves as you snooze. So if you feel unrested or think you have insomnia, contact a doctor to find out the reason and solve the issue.