How to Figure Out If You're an Early Bird or a Night Owl

The phrase 'night owl' describes a person who conducts the bulk of their activity during the evening hours, while an early riser makes use of more energy following the rise of the sun. The times associated with work activity and the interaction with friends or relatives is usually reliant on the times of day the person is most active. Higher energy levels and alertness are also associated with time period preference. A personal evaluation can easily indicate the presence of an early riser or a night owl.

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      Inventory your life. Look at the times related to your scheduling of events. Decide whether you have scheduled a large number of important events to take place in the evening or morning. Look at the activities of relatives and close associates. Like minded associates will often be either early risers or night owls.

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      Evaluate your mood. Higher levels of energy, more interaction with people and lower anxiety levels during a certain time period indicates comfort with either day or evening activity. In addition, if more physical activity is voluntarily done during a particular time period then this also indicates comfort levels.

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      Evaluate your work schedule. Voluntarily seeking evening or graveyard shifts at work or in the operation of a business indicates more comfort with activity in the evening. Early start times and conducting the majority of work or business before noon indicates comfort with an early schedule.

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      Evaluate sleep times. Sleep times are an important indicator of preferred times of day. People who do the majority of sleeping between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. tend to prefer evening activity, while those who sleep between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. prefer to operate primarily during the day.

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