Remstar CPAP Provider Setup Instructions
Things You'll Need
- CPAP Device
- Carrying case
- Pollen filters
- Ultra fine filter
- Flexible tubing
- Power cord
Locate the filter area on the back of the CPAP device, and install the filters. Insert the ultra-fine white filter first and then put the gray pollen filter on top of it. You don't have to use the ultra-fine filter, but you always need a pollen filter. Put the filter door back on and close the device.
Plug in the CPAP device while simultaneously holding the front ramp button and the pressure button down at the same time. The CPAP airflow will start and the Display screen will show the setting. You can also enter the Therapy Setup Menu.
Change the different settings, as indicated on the display screen. Press the ramp button to increase or decrease the elevation, change the pressure setting, or change the button setting from 1 to 0.
Press the ramp button and the pressure button simultaneously to exit out of the Therapy Setup Menu and set the settings. The airflow stops as well.