How to Get Rid of Snoring Naturally
Strengthen the throat and tongue muscles through exercises. One exercise is to put a pencil between your top and bottom rows of teeth. Hold the pencil there without a lot of pressure for about five minutes. Another exercise is to put the tip of your tongue on the bottom row of your teeth, and gently push the tongue against the teeth. Hold this position for five minutes, then relax. When the throat and tongue muscles are stronger, it will lessen the chance that the tongue will fall back against your throat and block the airway as you sleep.
Flush out your nasal passages with a mixture of salt, baking soda and water. Mix together 1/4 tsp. kosher salt and 1/4 tsp. baking soda with a cup of warm water. Fill a nasal irrigation syringe with this solution. Tilt your head to one side, and place the tip of the irrigation syringe into the upper nostril. Start the flow of the solution by pressing the plunger of the syringe. The solution will flow into the nostril, through the sinus passage and will drain out of the lower nostril. This saline solution will flush out any debris or nasal irritants that can block the nasal passages and cause you to snore. After using the nasal irrigation method, gently blow your nose to clear out any excess fluid.
Losing excess weight may help you stop snoring. Lose excess weight. Extra weight on the body, specifically in the neck area, can be the cause of a person's snoring problem. The extra weight in the neck area puts excess pressure on the throat. This makes it harder for air to flow through the breathing passages. Because spot weight loss is almost impossible, exercise and eat fewer calories a day to lose weight over your whole body.
Stop smoking to stop snoring. Stop smoking. If you are a smoker, the smoke can cause a constriction of the airways. Smoke can irritate the membranes in the nose and can cause them to swell, hindering your ability to breathe in and out.
Change the position in which you sleep. If you lie on your back when you sleep, you have a better chance of snoring. When you lie on your back, the tongue relaxes and can block the airway, causing you to snore.
Don't drink alcohol if you plan to go to bed soon. Limit alcohol consumption near bedtime. Alcohol is a sedative and can relax your muscles. The tongue can get much more relaxed, boosting the chances of blocking your airways.